News & Events

December 2020

Dear CCF supporters,

Thank you so much for your continued involvement with Calvary

Christian Family (CCF).

My name is Faith and this is the first time I’ve written a newsletter for the supporters of CCF. I have been to Haiti many times throughout my life with Calvary Chapel In The City. My father, pastor Steve Cole is always with me on the trips. The church has gone through some great milestones and I can’t wait to share them with you for I have seen Calvary Chapel Port-au-Prince go from a home church to a ginormous building. 

The boys have continued to attend school but this time they are commuting from their new home in Latranblay, Port-au-Prince! That’s right, in 2018 the ground was broken for the boy’s new home and in 2020 the boys are living in a big, spacious, and beautiful home. I am so glad that they have lots more space to let their teenager-energy be released. I am proud to say that almost all the boys are teenagers now. Loveson is already eighteen years old, already, an adult. 

From what I can tell, the boys are performing well overall in school. Marvins, Jimmy, and Anderson seem to be excelling the most in their English. Jimmy was always excelling with English. It is like day and night when I compare how Marvins and Anderson are speaking compared to the last time I saw them. All the boys really like the gym addition to the orphanage. They are continuously lifting weights for fun. That is something I won’t understand. The boys are also playing lots of sports and soon they will play more since a new basketball court is being built for them. 

The boys don’t have all the grounds to themselves though. Calvary Chapel Port-au-Prince is also building a new University at Latranblay! The church has also decided to build a dormitory for its students which is not a luxury often offered for students in Haiti. There are already about ten students attending the college who are dorming at the orphanage. I spent most of my time at the orphanage during this trip and I got to meet all of them! They are all very hard workers and they complete everything with much diligence. 

Pastor Seige and his wife Dinette have done such a great job taking care of these kids. No words can express how grateful Calvary Chapel In the City body of Christ is for their sacrifice. May God continue to bless them always.

Again, thank you for continuing to support Calvary Chapel Christian Family. 


Faith Cole

February 2018

Dear CCF supporters,

Thank you so much for your continued involvement with Calvary
Christian Family (CCF).

Since our last Newsletter we have visited the CCF boys four times.
We took them on two road trips, first to the beach and then to a
nature park. Both of these experiences were very exciting for the
boys. It was a great privilege to see the wonder and curiosity and joy
in their faces as they participated in these outings. They really loved
their time at the beach! As we do each year, we also delivered
Christmas presents! Among other things, we brought down 13 toy
helicopters which fly through the air, powered by rechargeable

In our last update, we shared with you that the boys were being
prepared to go offsite to school. Well, since last September, they
have been attending school and the transition has been very
successful. There are at least two reasons for this transition. The first
is that it will assist the older children in their transition to life as adults. The second is that it became apparent that the boys would benefit
from a more disciplined environment. As the 13 boys grow larger, the
house they are currently in grows smaller! As is the case with all
boys (and girls) it is good for them to get out of the house each day!

In that regard, I am very happy to report that “ground has been
broken” on the construction of a new house. The property is located
a short distance outside of Port-au-Prince in an area which is going to
provide them with much more space. Please pray for this new
project. We strongly believe this is a critical development for their
care and nurturing.

In closing, I wanted to again “thank you!” for all your prayer and
support. If your sponsorship has been inactive, I encourage you to
renew it! It is a wonderful privilege to come alongside of these boys
in their journey with the Lord!

If you have any questions, please let us know!

Grace and peace,
Calvary Chapel in the City (Boston)

October 2017

Dear CCF supporters,

We apologize for the lack of updates this year.

Thank you so much for your continued involvement with Calvary Christian Family.

Since our Newsletter last year we have visited the CCF boys four times.

The boys are doing very well.  The orphanage was established eight years ago when many of the boys were quite small.  They are growing so fast!   The oldest – Loveson (15) and Lechino (15) – are now young men!   In no time at all the youngest – Moise (8) and Wikendi (6) – will be young men as well!

I can honestly report that the boys are happy, healthy, filled with energy, and well-instructed in the Word of God.  On my most recent trip I gave the evening devotional.  It was encouraging that before the devotional each night, they were so eager to have this time in the Bible.  I suspect that part of that is that the boys enjoy spending time with me in that setting, but each night they clearly loved discussing the Bible and answering questions.  CCF workers Jacqueline, Juliana and Fred joined us during devotions.

The boys love sports.  Each trip we bring down several basketballs and soccer balls.  They are so heavily used, it is not unusual that when we show up at the house, all the balls we previously gave them are gone (in addition to the balls being used until they are destroyed, some are lost because they are kicked over a very high wall, and the owner of that property forbids anyone to retrieve the balls!  Uggh!)   When we go down we typically do a craft with them.  For example, on the most recent trips we made “tie-dye” hats.  On a previous trip this past year we made t-shirts with their names on it.  We also had an out-of-control water balloon fight!

Perhaps the most significant development at CCF is that the boys are being moved off-site to schools in Port au Prince (to date, all education has taken place on-site).  There are mainly two reasons for this.  The first is that it will assist the older children in their transition to life as adults.  The second is that it has become apparent that the boys would benefit from a more disciplined environment.   One exciting part of this is that some of the children are expected to attend one of the most highly-regarded schools in Port-au-Prince at a deeply discounted price because the head of the school is a dear friend of the Pastor Serge and Calvary Chapel Port-au-Prince.  We expect this school-related transition to go well, but do ask for prayers about this.

In closing, I wanted to give you a most hearty “thank you!” for all your prayer and support.  If your sponsorship has been inactive, I encourage you to renew it!  It is a wonderful privilege to come alongside of these boys in their journey with the Lord!

Thank you so much for your support of Calvary Christian Family.   Wishing you many blessings!

Grace and peace,

Steve Cole

Pastor, Calvary Chapel in the City (Boston)

February 2016

February 5, 2016

Dear CCF supporters,

My name is Grace Cole, and I am so happy that you have been involved with the CCF boys’ lives and walks with God.  I have had the privilege of visiting and staying with the boys since I was nine (I am sixteen) and have seen their growth in leadership, academics, and excitement for God. My Dad and I visited them this past Thanksgiving.  All the boys are living in a unique setting that shields them from the turmoil in Haiti and are taught in the good and moral ways of the Christian Bible.  I myself have had the opportunity to teach English in their home school and have observed great progress.  Their lessons are all focused on God and the earth He created.

The contract to purchase a new property for CCF fell through.  Please pray about a new site, as the current house now is much too small!

Here is an update about the boys:

  • Alex loves to play active games like tag, baseball, and dodge ball. His high energy matches his eagerness to play, but he stills loves to learn in the classroom. You always know he is having a blast when you hear his one-of-a kind giggle and see him scampering across the room with the other boys.
  • Alexandre (Alexson) is Alex’s twin brother!  He loves having long, deep conversations in English and practices eagerly in English class.  He loves to run around and take part in any activity from cleaning to exercise videos.  He has a beautiful smile and loves to be in pictures. Alexson likes to join in on any fun and has grown into a happy boy.  Anderson has a very sweet smile and still loves to be held.  He has gained courage over the years and developed an excited attitude and smart mind.  He may have been shy at first, but his face shines when he gets answers correct in class.
  • Douby loves people.  He enjoys almost anything when he’s around people.  He is excelling in English class and loves to ask you to play and talk with him in English.  He loves holding your hand and leading you exactly where you are supposed to be.
  • Emerson loves to give hugs and likes being in all the fun.  He has a huge smile that will light up the room.  He loves piggy-back rides and will surprise you with jumping on your back.  He laughs when he is correct in English.  Emerson has been through many trials due to his medical history (eyesight and walking issues), but he has become a sprite little boy ready to take on any day with God.
  • Jimmy was the first one to join the CCF family.  He is known for his incredible English.  He is now able to translate a Bible study all by himself.  He loves to hold your hand and ask lots of questions.  He remembers the conversations from our last visit.
  • Letchino is observant and will cover his face when looked at, but he will not stand when the rules in the game are broken.  He loves any big game like baseball or basketball.  He likes to read in English and likes to teach Haitian Creole to any native English speaker.
  • Loveson is a big leader in the group, being the eldest.  He is a good example to the younger children in the classroom and in a game of basketball.  He loves to play basketball with the grown-ups.  He is the tallest and loves a great laugh with all the boys.
  • Marvins is known for his intensity.  He loves to play baseball and badminton.  He has a very high energy level and enjoys talking in English.  He is observant especially with the grown-ups and listens to any information in his classes.  He likes to play fun games and always wants to be on your side.
  • Moise is known for his fierce jump shot.  One of the youngest of the group he will keep up with any of the boys in a game of basketball.  Moise has a big, bright grin that will put a smile on your face.  He has a big, booming laugh that only last about 5 seconds.
  • Ricky is known for his big hugs and hunger for affection.  He loves all kisses and hugs. He would rather be with you coloring while all the big boys play basketball, but loves a group activity.  He loves to get the answers right in English and likes to display what English he knows with pride with the song “head, shoulders, knees and toes!”
  • Samuel is known for his incredible athletics.  He is very quick on his feet and the boys want him on their team. His favorite sports are basketball and soccer.   He is a growing young man who loves to learn! His smile is quick but very happy and full of joy.  He always loves joining in on a group activity.
  • Wikendi, the newest member of the CCF family (he arrived last summer), is shy but sweet.  He will call your name, and then cover his face with his hands in shyness.  He has an eagerness to catch up to all the boys in English and tries his best to know all the colors and the parts of the body.

John 15:13 says, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”  Jesus laid down his life for us to live and serve Him.  Our lives as Christians are here to live for Jesus and to show His love to one another.  The love I have personally seen and felt in the CCF community is not like anything one could experience in America.  The love the CCF boys have for Jesus and each other is a simple, pure love that many should admire.  Thank YOU for supporting the CCF family as each of these special boys grow up in the love and faith in Jesus Christ.

Very Sincerely,

Grace Cole

April 2015

Dear CCF supporters,

    In April 2015 a team from Calvary Chapel in the City (Boston), Calvary Chapel in Uncasville, Conn and Horizion Christian Fellowship in Fitchburg, Mass. had the pleasure of visiting the Calvary Christian Family (CCF) in Port au Prince, Haiti.  Alex, Alexandre, Anderson, Dubey, Hemerson, Jimmy, Letchino, Loveson, Marvins, Mosie, Ricky and Samuel are your typical fun loving, energetic and silly boys.  Each of them are healthy and growing with a sense of fulfilments for all that they have, which brings to mind Psalm 107:8-9:  “I give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for me for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hunger with good things.” God surely is doing a good work in these boys as well as those who surround them. He has a plan for their lives and the influence they will have on others.

A few members of the team were able to participate in the boys’ English classes each morning there Dinette had the boys read out loud from the book of John.  The older boys are proficient readers while the younger boys are working hard to be.  We got to know the boys better by asking questions in English which they were happy to share, like their names, their favorite color, their favorite sport and their favorite Bible story.  We also discussed their relationship with Jesus  They explained to us with excitement that Jesus lives inside them and how through him, they will have eternal life in heaven.  They understand that talking to people who may not know Jesus is called evangelizing.  Seeing this spirit-filled knowledge they have is an example of Romans 15:13 — “May God the source of hope, fill me with all joy and peace by means of my faith in him so that my hope will continue to grow by the power of the Holy Spirit.”  Some of us also joined them in their math class where we saw the children showing a strong interest in learning.   They give their full attention to the teachers and studies, and are full of ambition to be the best they can be.

Almost every day after school the team was able to engage in fun activities with the boys. We played jump rope, bubbles, baseball, basketball, water balloon toss (which was the most popular) and  Frisbee.   We made salvation bracelets with them, and taught them the meaning of each color in the bracelet. The boys also decorated glow-in-the-dark cups with their own design, and painted their own hand prints using different colors on T-shirts. They were very proud to wear these shirts. In this time of activity the boys’ personalities really shined.  They were filled with joy and gratitude in receiving the love and entertainment from us.

Pastor Serge brought the team to see a beautiful piece of property that is under contract to purchase as a new home for the CCF children. This property would greatly expand the play and living space for them. There have been some difficulties in acquiring the property, so please pray that this move will be accomplished soon. The doors you are opening up for these children, as supporters brings to mind Jeramiah 29:11 “I know the plans I have in mind for you, declares the Lord, they are plans for peace, not disaster, to give you a future filled with hope.”

Thank you so much for your support,

Samantha Dousa (Calvary Chapel Uncasville)

December 2013

We apologize for the lack of updates this year. It wasn’t for lack of activity at Calvary Christian Family. Things are going wonderful with the kids!

This year a team visited the boys in May, and then earlier this month Pastor Steve and his daughter Adlai visited the home. The team painted a wonderful “Jezu remnen w” (Jesus Loves You) mural, with the help of the boys and the workers. The kids are all growing fast, but the most noticeable difference being around them is their English. Any English-speaking-only visitor to Calvary Christian Family feels “at home” because of the relative ease communicating with the kids in English. During the visit in May, one of the members of the team taught the kids a song in English – “If We Ever Needed the Lord Before, We Sure Do Need Him Now” – which is now one of their favorite songs! Also, a team member gave English lessons to two of the workers. The environment at the house for learning Creole is excellent, as the kids like teaching visitors the native language of Haiti.

The other noticeable difference is the school. The school now has four teachers which provides the twelve boys a lot of 1:1 attention. (There is also a girl, Abigail, who does not live in the orphanage, but attends the school). There are three classes divided up by age and the teachers – Karline, Guylene, and Jean Rene – teach all subjects, except for English, which is taught by Dinette, Pastor Serge’s wife. Each morning the school begins with the kids lining up at the flagpole. The kids sing gospel songs and the Haitian national anthem. Then the kids split up into their classrooms. In the past year two classrooms have been added, and a new teacher joined the school (Jean Renee).

Like all kids, the boys love food. There are two meals a day, breakfast, a late lunch (around 2 p.m.), and an evening snack, usually a dessert-type dish like rice pudding. Like everyone in Haiti, there are three things the kids like – rice and beans, rice and beans, and rice and beans! Each day, the kids will get rice and beans, plus an additional protein, dried fish or beef or goat or chicken. Coconut and other flavorings are added to the meal. In Haiti, spaghetti and onions is a popular dish at breakfast; the kids gobble that right up!

There are three new workers, Jacky, Alexandra and Juliana. Check out there bios on the Caregivers tab of the site.

Please pray for the boys and the workers this season that they would grow in their understanding of the wonderful truth that Jesus came into the world to live a perfect life for them, to die for them, and to raise from the dead in order to give them new life.

Thank you so much for your support of Calvary Christian Family. We wish you a joy-filled Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

Pastor Steve Cole
Calvary Chapel in the City, Boston

June 2012

Hi all:

My eighteen year old daughter Adlai and I were at Calvary Christian Family at the beginning of this month (June). It’s the first time I have been in Haiti in a summer month, oh boy was it hot. Of course, the kids don’t seem to mind at all.

The kids seem to be doing very well. It was encouraging to see obvious emotional/behavioral improvement with the two newer kids (they came in about 10 months ago) — Emerson and Anderson. When I was at CCF in January, they seemed like they were still working through some pretty significant insecurities, but both of them seemed so warm and happy on this trip.

We played a lot of basketball with the boys, as there is now a basketball hoop which was installed by a missions team in February. We also played what I call “CCF Rugby” — sort of a version of “keep away” with no tackling, but lots of rough and tumble! The kids loved it.

Regarding the home itself, another schoolroom was added, with 10-12 brand new cubicles. There are now three school rooms, all on the 1st floor. The kids come down the stairs for school each morning from their living space on the second floor. They each have their “CCF” uniform on, as well their back pack. The school is divided into the older kids (Loveson, Letchino, Jimmy, Anderson and Abby) and the smaller kids (Alex, Alexson, Duby, Hemerson, Moises, Ricky, Marvins, and Samuel). Pastor Serge’s wife — Dinette — is doing just a fantastic job teaching them English. Each visit I notice wonderful progress in their English. I now regularly use Loveson and Letchino to help me with my very broken Creole.

The workers are all doing fine. Please pray for them. It is extremely hard mental and physical work to manage these kids 24 hours a day. In fact, two of the Creole phrases I used the most are “M’beswe repo” (I need a rest!) and “M’beswe pozi” (I need a break), because they just love to pile up on me whenever I enter the room.

I believe the Lord touched my heart with a message this trip about Loveson and Letchino. These are the two oldest boys, and they are just fantastic examples of godly behavior to the other kids. They also seem to have a deep affection for them. I believe the Lord told me that both of them will be used as leaders in the church some day.

Thanks for all your support and again, please keep praying for these kids!

Much grace,

Pastor Steve

March 2012

Thank you so much for your continued support of Calvary Christian Family. I had the privilege of leading a small missions trip to the orphanage at the beginning of March. We had a wonderful time with the kids and the workers.

As you might imagine, with 12 active boys, regular maintenance work is a must in the orphanage. We did a fair amount of cleaning, painting, and some carpentry work to improve the existing structure and furniture to make them more functional for the needs of CCF. The kids were most excited about a basketball goal that was erected outside in their play area. It is really amazing to see the skill these kids have even at such a young age.

Each night we were able to joint the devotional time of the workers with the help of a translator. It was so encouraging to hear how God was creating a deeper and deeper love for the children in their hearts and a deeper love for each other. CCF is truly a discipleship house not only for the kids but also for the women and men who work there.

Eric Burks

February 2012

Thank you for your continued support! I have included a report from 

Mary Kate DeFranca who spent a week at CCF in February. I hope you enjoy her report.

I had the privilege of traveling to Haiti in February and staying at Calvary Christian Family. This was my third trip to Haiti but my first trip alone. I was excited to see the eight boys I had met on my previous trip and meet the four newest boys in the CCF family. They had all grown up so much in the last year, but I was most surprised by the transformation in Moses and Ricky! Both of these boys have transformed into little boys with huge personalities and can easily keep up with the older boys. What a joy to hug each of them and see their beautiful smiles.
I was quickly thrown into daily life at CCF and all the fun that comes with 12 boys in one home. I was never without a child in my arms or two in my lap. They really loved to hug and cuddle and play with my hair. Each day was filled with laughter and fun and games. The boys can make a game out of anything and easily entertained each other and me. We played with balloons, Legos, cars, colored pictures, and drew with chalk. I was able to teach them tic-tac-toe, hot potato, and freeze dance. My favorite part of each day was watching an English worship DVD and dancing with the workers and children. They especially loved the song “Every move I make” and dancing around the room. Some of the boys have some great dancing rhythm and others made drums out of toys to keep the beat. There is a verse in the song that says “everywhere I look, I see your face”. That was so true for me in Haiti- everywhere I looked I saw God at work: in the lives of these children, in the lives of the CCF staff and at the church.
The highlight of my trip was on Friday, when I had the privilege of joining the CCF kids at a children’s event hosted by the church. They had an all day celebration as an alternative to the carnival parties that were being held at the public schools throughout the city. Over 150 children attended the event at the church. They sang songs and listened to a very engaging story about a little girl who learned to trust God as a child and teenager. They also had a special craft, recreational games, snacks, prizes, and ate lunch. This children’s event was like none I had ever experienced and it was such a joy to witness the impact the church is having on the young lives in Port-au-Prince. What a blessing that all these children can know Him from such a young age!
It was also a joy to see some familiar CCF workers and meet those who are new. I was very blessed to witness the hard work of everyone at CCF. They all have such a vital role in making CCF a home and nurturing environment for the boys and as well as each other. At the end of the day, all the staff still at CCF would gather for a Bible study. They would pour over scripture, encouraging each other and asking questions. Each night I wasn’t sure I could stay awake, but was so blessed by this time. Another highlight was singing worship songs in English and Creole with my Haitian brothers and sisters. Their love for the Lord was such an encouragement for me.
I look forward to the next time I can visit CCF and “everywhere I look, see HIS face.” – Mary Kate
In Christ,

Eric Burks

January 2012

Happy New Year!

We hope that you enjoyed the Christmas cards sent out earlier this month.

New Year’s is a special holiday in Haiti because it is also the Haitian Independence day. On January 1, 1804, Haiti made history by being the first Black Country to gain its independence. Up until this time, Haiti was under French control. One peculiar French law prohibited slaves from eating soup. Since Haiti’s independence from France, it is a tradition that Haitians cook and eat a special soup as part of the New Year celebration. Unfortunately slavery did not completely end in 1804. Child slavery remains a major problem in Haiti and we praise God that the kids at CCF have been spared from this bondage.

We thank you for your support in 2011. We will be sending out year-end donation receipts in the next month. Please keep Pastor Steve in prayer as he travels to Haiti this month with his son Sam.

In Christ,

Eric Burks

October 2011

In mid-September I travelled down to Haiti and stayed at the Calvary Christian Family house in Port au Prince. My fifteen year old daughter Elise accompanied me. It brings me so much joy seeing these kids; they are so happy and full of life. The first night we gave them each a LEGO pack. They were fascinated with this. Each of them was able to build a truck, plane, car, etc. They had never done anything like this.

There are twelve boys now; it was great to see the new kids Anderson (about seven years old) and Emerson (about six years old) who have arrived in the last couple of months. Both of them seem to be adjusting well. Anderson is still getting used to the big crowds at church, and prefers the nurturing environment at the CCF house. Emerson still seems a little shy, but my daughter Elise was really able to get him “out of his shell” and fell in love with his smile.

The boys get along with each other remarkably well. They live in close quarters but there is very little quarreling among them, and they seem to love each other’s company. The two older boys are protective of the smaller kids. One distinctive thing about the boys is the love to be hugged, any time you walk in the room all of them cry out — “pote m” — which is Creole for pick me up. In the evenings I like to sit in the upper veranda overlooking the street, and just hold the kids. It can be kind of tough on me, as usually four of them are sitting on me at the same time!! Some times the kids get into my room on the first floor and raid my suitcase! The kids like to sing Christian songs, and church is an integral part of their life.

While we were there ,the kids participated in a two day baseball clinic put on by Pastor Scott from our church in Boston. Baseball is a virtual unknown in Haiti, but no longer with the CCF kids! We brought down a lot of equipment, including aluminum bats, but decided to replace them with wiffle ball bats because things got a little crazy with all those bats swinging!

The onsite school is going well. I personally know both of the teachers — Carlene and Guilen. They really are outstanding professionals, and the kids seem to be progressing well. I’ve also gotten to know all the workers, including the child care workers, the cooks, the janitors, and the washing ladies. There are about 12 full time employees (one shift during the week; another shift on the weekend). It is a pretty amazing operation. Cooking is a big deal, so there is more or less always someone in the kitchen. The cooks are first class Haitian cooks who could just as well be employed at any Haitian restaurant in the States. I especially like goat, baked plantains, rice and beans, and spicy cole slaw. In the evening, the kids are typically treated with a dessert, which is sort of like a sweetened oatmeal with condensed milk. The home is kept “spic and span”; the floors are literally “pristine” as there is constantly someone mopping and cleaning.

We are taking a missions team down in February to conduct some minor repairs to the home, and to do some painting. Since the earthquake, the front yard has been more or less unusable, so we would like to clear the yard for more play space. Also, we’d like to put up a basketball pole in the back driveway.

As anytime you have 12 boys, there are medical issues. In August Ricky, one of our four year olds, needed surgery because of an undescended testicle. We praise the Lord for a successful surgery! Ricky is doing great now. Emerson came to us with two medical issues which will need attention; he has a crossed eye, and a slight handicap with his leg which causes him to limp. We will keep you updated on how those issues are addressed. While medical treatment is less expensive in Haiti, it still can be considerable (Ricky’s surgery was $1,950). We are thankful to all the donors for making it possible for these children to have medical care.

Thanks again for all your interest and support, please pray for the kids, the workers, and Pastor Serge and his wife Dinette.


Pastor Steve Cole

September 2011

Last month assistant Pastor Scott Richardson from Calvary Chapel in the City, Boston, traveled to Haiti with his son John to conduct a baseball clinic for the orphanage. Baseball is not a commonly played sport in Haiti but it is fun and was also a means for engaging with the children in an activity which teaches teamwork.

John, age 10, wrote a short essay for a grade school project describing his trip with his dad this past September. We have included some excerpts below:

My dad and I traveled from Boston to Haiti to teach the kids at the church and the orphans at CCF about baseball. The orphans who lived there were sometimes found on the street. The people brought them in and took care of them. So now were teaching them baseball. Let’s learn about how teaching the kids worked.

On the first day, my dad and I flew into Haiti. There were so many people! Now let me tell you, it is not as safe in Haiti as it is here in Boston. Going through the airport is like being mobbed. When we got to CCF, the orphans were asleep for a nap. When they got up, we taught them some basic lessons about catching and throwing baseballs. After that we got out the Legos. The kids jumped and grabbed and traded Legos. We were having so much fun already!

On the second day and the third day, we did a lot more. We taught the kids baseball. We were really tired at the end. We worked on throwing, catching, and batting. We even played a one-inning game. At the end of the day, we played with more Legos. There were a lot more Legos built! Even though these were difficult days, I still had a great time.

The next day was Sunday, church day itself. After church we got on the plane and flew back to Boston.

Pastors and other designees from Calvary Chapel in the City make routine visits to CCF throughout the year ranging from 3-days to a month or longer. We are dedicated to building and maintaining relationships with both children and the workers. Both Pastors Steve and Scott make it a point to bring one of their children on their visits to CCF which serves as an example of what it means to be a parent to the workers in the orphanage. It is great to see our kids in Boston and our CCF kids in Haiti playing and getting to know God together.

Eric Burks,

CCF Coordinator

July 20, 2011 – CCF Update

Hello all,

I had a blessed time on my most recent trip to Calvary Christian Family in
Port-au-Prince Haiti. The children are strong and full of excitement. When
I walked in the door, within minutes I had ten kids all trying to climb on
me at once and I thought I was going to collapse to the floor with the
weight of them all.

School ended in June for the kids and I was able to see the kids in some of
their final classes. The boys all seem to love school and love learning.
When I visit they enjoy practicing English with me.

They like to count in English and name different parts of their bodies in

On this particular trip, I made it a point to sit down with each of the
workers and talk to them about their jobs. It was such a privilege to see
how God has been working in their lives since they accepted Jesus Christ as
their Lord. As a general rule, the workers all began by simply learning the
word of God through teachings and personal Bible studies. Within a few
months they began to serve in different ministries in the church and were
discipled. Those who were faithful and seemed to have a particularly
calling and joy in working in the children’s ministries were chosen to work
at CCF in the capacities of caregivers. Others were chosen to serve in
logistics type ministries including cooking, cleaning, and maintenance

As I asked the workers what they liked most about their jobs, the most
common answer was “I like to play with the kids”. It is wonderful to see
Christians serve in the areas where God has called them. When I asked the
workers what God has been teaching them in their jobs at CCF, the following
answers were given: humility, patience, to love others more and kindness.

One of the workers whom I have known for years now and have grown very close
to has the testimony of being orphaned as a child. Both his parents died
and by the time he was about 10-years old he was put in an orphanage where
he was abused. After some time he ran away and lived on the streets until
he came to Christ as a young man. He has lived and served in the church for
many years now and has served in CCF for the past year. He is a very godly
hardworking young man.
When I asked him what he was learning at CCF, he said God is teaching him
how children are supposed to be raised.

I hope you can see that CCF is not just a home for the children but it is a
home for the workers as well. As in all ministries, the overflow of love
and healing that God is giving the workers is being poured out into the
children the serve. Please keep these workers in your prayers as they serve
in this wonderful ministry.

Also, there are two additional boys who are in the process of being
“adopted” into CCF. We will follow up with more details.

In Christ,

Eric Burks

Answered Prayer!

Dear all,

Thank you for your prayers for Ricky. He is back at CCF and is already up
and playing with the other children.

God is good!


Pray for Ricky

Hi all,

Please pray for Ricky who is one of the orphans at CCF. Ricky was found to
have a fairly large kidney stone which had to be removed by emergency
surgery. Ricky is is about 3 or 4 years old. He will be in the hospital
until Monday. Apparently the surgery was delayed due to a storm. Please
pray for a swift recovery.

In Christ,

Eric Burks


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Service Times & Directions

Weekend Masses in English

Saturday Morning: 8:00 am

Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm

Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am,
12:30 pm, 5:30 pm

Weekend Masses In Español

Saturday Vigil: 6:15pm

Sunday: 9:00am, 7:15pm

Weekday Morning Masses

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30 am

6654 Main Street
Wonderland, AK 45202
(513) 555-7856